Friday, October 17, 2008

My husband :)

I have the MOST WONDERFUL HUSBAND EVER!! This weekend I will be gone with my girlfriends on our annual girls weekend. I am so excited and have looked forward to it since I got home after the trip last year. Eric has not grumbled or pouted or anything about me being gone this weekend while he has the girls all by himself. He is such a good daddy. He loves our girls more than words can express. He is also being a good daddy and taking them to a 4 year old's birthday party tomorrow. It's a dress up fairy princess party....sounds manly, huh? I do not know what other things they have planned but I heard them mention watching a movie and eating popcorn and all sleeping in our bed. I know they will have a fantastic time. I will miss them all soooooo much but I will enjoy some time away with my bestest friends.
This pic was taken at the World of Coke in Atlanta. This was the anniversary celebration weekend mentioned a few posts back. :)


Christy LaShea said...

Okay, I was at that birthday party and Eric is Super Dad! The birthday party was mostly girls, except a football game was going on tv - and I'm sorry for Eric - it was Georgia playing Vandy - I of course asked him, "Where's Kimi?" and he told me. So basically, you owe him, girl!

Anonymous said...

While everytime I read this I laugh-- I hope you and your family have a blessed Thanksgiving and I look forward to seeing you this weekend!

Melissa Martin said...

Hey Girl! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I saw the ornament at Hallmark that you mentioned and I'm running over to get it. Thanks! I don't have your email so I figured I'd try to reach you here.

Merry Christmas to you and yours!