Wednesday, September 19, 2007


This morning has not gone the way I planned from the moment I opened my eyes. My alarm didn't go off (user error...ooops), Chloe was screaming cause she wanted a "sugarman" poptart. I have no idea why she calls a Maple and Brown Sugar Poptart a sugarman...I guess its the same reason she calls them "heel high" shoes instead of high heel shoes. She's 3 and just makes things up. :) I think it is too cute though. Eric was upset with me because he was supposed to meet someone at 7 am and he was going to be late because I needed him to stay home long enough for me to dry my hair. *Disclaimer* I know this sounds ridiculous but just remember back about 4 weeks ago to when we had someone just enter our house at 12:30 at night. So, I have not been able to stay at home by myself yet. Well, I have a couple of times but I just have to do what I feel comfortable with at the time. Anyway, back to drying my hair. I am terrified that I am going to be drying my hair and somebody walk in the house and me not hear them. YES - all the doors and windows are locked but I am still terrified. So, here I am at work (an hour early - cause I can't stay by myself and there are people already at work), Eric is mad and frustrated with me, and I have been a MEANIE to him lately but I think I can blame that on PMS. I have TONS of work today and yet I do not want to do any of it. Ok, enough complaining...

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