Monday, October 1, 2007


It has been one of those days! This weekend was good. We relaxed, played, shopped, and watch football games. It is really starting to sink in that my baby is going to be ONE in less than a week. I don't remember being this emotional about it when Chloe turned one but I am sure I was. But, there was a lot going on around Chloe's first birthday - Eric returned home from Iraq. This weekend I truly felt I should win the worst mother award. I was on Chloe about every little thing she did. In my defense I dont think she felt that great (allergies, cold, or something) and so she was testing the limits a little. I am vowing here and now that I will be more tolerant of her behavior. It is easy to forget that she is only 3 1/2 because she acts so grown up. I think I expect things or behaviors from her that are just not reasonable. *Repeating over and over in my head* "I will be a better mom, I will be a better mom" For that matter I should also insert in my new mantra "I will be a better mom, I will be a better WIFE." I have mentioned this before but I think Eric should be awarded another medal for his dress blues for putting up with my crap. I was also fussing at him for EVERYTHING this weekend. Here are a couple of pics from the football game:
I just love my little gores! (That's girls in Chloe's language) :)

1 comment:

Elisabeth said...

You are a great mom - don't ever doubt that. It's so easy to lose sight of what their actual ages are. The new pics are so cute!